Bifido Clo Coccinella DonnaMona Enterococcus Esch HQ LabColi LOPS Lord Baci Queen Salmonella Shigella TaxiFish Voice1 Voice2 Barkeeper
Biotoon - So, How's Life In The Colonies?

Chapter 1

Getting Ready For The Mission

Lord Baci in the R&D department

Lord Baci in the R&D department


Here is the emergency code key for self destruction. Be very careful. Once it is set in motion it will activate the latent phage in your DNA, and initiate your autolysis. It will also send out an SOS code and warning to any bug in your vicinity.


Lord Baci
Lord Baci

Nice. A built-in killer AND obituary mailer. When activated it will first multiply inside me until I explode and then it will brag about it.



I guess you could say so. Here is something to help you control your urge to multiply. Part A suppresses division, part B the impulse to exchange your DNA, leave your imprint on other bacteria or merge with them in any way.


Lord Baci
Lord Baci

But sometimes I need support during a mission.



Really, during the last mission you were accompanied by thousands of your clones which could hardly be called an undercover mission any more.


Lord Baci
Lord Baci

Not true. Your opinion is LOPSided. I never let them out of the Petri dish. The lid stayed on. They remained under cover.



Pleeeze. We all appreciate your weird puns up to a point.


Lord Baci
Lord Baci

Oh no, do I look fat with all the plasmids inside? Kind of bumpy? Cellulite like?



Stack the plasmids—they will settle down and smoothen out. And here is a new turbo flagella code for you. The flagella work in air, water and on surfaces.

We can get you into a specimen shipment to the CDC lab tonight.


Lord Baci
Lord Baci

Sounds like I’m ready to swarm. Thank you.



Biotoon - So, How's Life In The Colonies?
Sanja Saftic

Neuhusstraße 3
6045 Meggen
+41 (0) 76 462 0249


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